Women Cell of the college facilitates women empowerment by engaging female staff and students in promoting awareness relating to women in the present social context, and information on legal rights.
- To provide a platform for women to voice their problems.
- To provide personal guidance and legal awareness on specific issues concerning women.
- To help women and empower them in taking relevant decisions.
- Promote a discrimination-free environment by promoting gender equity among students and staff.
- Prevent sexual harassment among women students and staff
- Help staff or a student who chooses to file a complaint
- Helps to find a suitable solution to settle the problems faced by the staff/students with regards to raised matters after a thorough investigation.
Committee Members
Composition |
Members |
Designation |
Secretary |
Sr.Fincy Joseph |
Assistant Professor |
Members |
Ms. Indhu Rockey
Ms.Dency C D |
Assistant Professor
Lecturer |
Student representative |