Anti-Ragging Committee


Anti-Ragging Committee

Prevention and prohibition of ragging in colleges affiliated to Kerala University of Health Sciences.




 Anti-ragging Committee members

Sl.No Composition(based on Kerala state higher education guidelines) Name Designation
1. Representative of management Rev.Fr.Manoj Mekkadath Assoc. Director,  
2. Chairperson Dr. Sr. Terese SIC   Principal
3. Representative of civil and police Ms. Beenamol Sub- Inspector of Police, Chalakudy
4. Representatives of faculty members   Mrs. Tissy Thomas Nodal officer, Assistant Professor
Mrs.Manju John Assistant Professor, Class coordinator, 1st Year B.Sc Nursing
Sr.Fincy Assistant .Professor, IPBB.Sc Class coordinator
Ms. Indu Rocky Assistant .Professor, IPBB.Sc Class Co-coordinator
Sr.Frincy Assistant .Professor, IB.Sc Class Co-coordinator
5. Representatives of parents Mr.Francis Father of Ms.Aleena Francis(BSc 2019 )
6. Representative of non-teaching staff Mr.Anish Computer operator
7. Hostel warden Sr. Nirmala
8. Representatives of students- Fresher, and seniors Ms. Mary Sherin Student representative(B.Sc 2019)
Mr. Jeswin Jacob Student representative ( B.Sc 2020 )
Ms. Nithi Thomas Student representative-(B.Sc 2021)
Ms. Lina Lesly Student representative-(B.Sc 2022)
Ms. Cleya Cleetus Student representative- (PBBSc 2021)
Ms. Arya V Student representative-Fresher  (PBBSc 2022)
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